Senin, 14 Mei 2012


Let's take a moment friends Learning and Knowing the various types of traditional musical instruments in Indonesia country. ethnic, cultural, language and beliefs are grown and processed in Indonesia. Although there is a diversity of languages, all the tribes united by national language, Indonesian. Each region has a tradition of music and each other. And Gamelan music is one of the most popular and admired by people internasional.Gamelan divided into three types: Javanese Gamelan, Balinese Gamelan and Gamelan Sunda.Dan Each type develops in its own region.

In general Gamelan music is often used as an accompaniment to the traditional art puppet, puppet people and various ritul. In traditional Javanese Gamelan is also used in a ritual "marriage encounter", a ritual to bring together both the bride and groom. In Bali, Balinese Gamelan is used in Balinese ritual ceremonies such as "Cut Teeth", a ceremony that marks a child has entered adolescence. It is because of the widespread use of the gamelan in the various arts. Gamelan is often combined with poetry and dance. In the Javanese mythology, was said Gamelan menjelmah created by God who became man, Shivam Malholtra in Saka era 167. His kingdom stand on mountains Maendra, which is now known as Mount Lwu. At that time, it requires the signal to get in touch with the other Gods. Gong then be made. To signal a more complex message, then he needs two other gongs and the kempul siyem, which was later formed Gamelan. The word "gamelan" comes from the word "gamel" which means to hit. Then defined as a group Gamelan music instrument that is played in an integrated manner within a group.

The majority of instruments in the gamelan is played by being hit. Some tools in the gamelan music that is not being hit is sounded by flute, fiddle and zither. Flute sounded by blowing while the fiddle and zither sounded by the quotation. Gamelan consists of many musical instruments, such as, kempul, Gong, Siyem, Bonang, Flute, Kempyang, kethuk, Kenong, Sarong, Slenthem, zither, drums, fiddle, Gender, Gambang. There are two tuning system for the Slendro and Pelog Gamelan. A music instrument in the group generally have 2 pieces of music means that one in Selendro Based on the tuning and the other based on Pelog. In traditional belief, Gamelan is considered sacred and is believed to have supernatural powers. Any instrument which is believed to have the spirit of the gamelan, the seriap gamelan musicians must play barefoot because it would disturb the spirits. Skip Gamelan music instrument is strictly forbidden. In the Javanese belief, Gong Ageng believed to be the center of the spirit of the gamelan.
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Ramayana Ballet Theater

Watch Ramayana Ballet Theater opens at Tri Murti is one of my passions long dormant. Memories as a child watching a performance of the Ramayana as an impression in the memory of childhood to adulthood.

Ramayana known as Ramayana Ballet is a show that combines the art of drama and dance that elevates the story of Ramayana. This story is a beautiful legend carved on the walls of the temple of Shiva, one of the temple complex at Prambanan.
This ballet tells the story of Rama is trying to save his wife, Dewi Shinta who was abducted by Ravana, king of the country Alengka. Ramayana story that lasted 2 hours is summarized in the fourth round of play that includes kidnapping Shinta Dewi, mission Anoman (white monkey) to the land of Lanka, Ravana and Kumbhakarna death and reunion of Rama-Shinta.

Prambanan is a luxury setting, the luxury of the stage, the beauty of the dancers' costumes and choreography dances into a single unit that can anesthetize the audience to remain faithful to sit under the open sky and the cool night breeze. Ramayana appear every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday starting at 19.30wib to 21.30wib.

It was a work worthy of the nation to be appreciated. Nation of high culture art values ​​required to be preserved by every nation who loves his country.
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Is rarely possible public hearing ludruk art today. In an era of modernization and globalization that are so rapidly at this time. ludruk art is as if losing its echo. Though the East Javanese art is quite famous and a star of his time.

Accompanied by gamelan music, doalog / monologue ludruk usually peppered with comedic aspects that make the audience laugh. By using language typical Surabaya, ludruk a favorite pastime as a popular story and readily accepted in all circles.

Beginning with the Tari Remo, staging ludruk also usually interspersed with the staging of a character who plays a hotshot Madura "Mr. Sakera". This art is usually performed from village to village. As many as 789 existing ludruk group in the 1980s. But over time, this number was on the wane.

Ludruk itself means comedian. It has been recognized by the people of East Java since 760 BC in the kingdom, led by Malan Kanyuruhan Gjayana king. Over time, ludruk also metamorphosed. Starting from village to village staging, ludruk into a theater at 1907.

Ludruk also has an important role during the era of independence. Popular among the public, at this time serves as a messenger ludruk preparation for independence. After independence, ludruk still used as a messenger of Indonesia's development.

Regardless of the function of history and culture. Ludruk has become an important icon for the people of East Java. Although eroded by globalization and modernization, ludruk remain at the heart of society. Not least also the art of East Java still perform this ludruk. to preserve the culture and history, arts workers are willing to sacrifice ludruk rest of his life to the preservation of national culture.
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Here will explain the latest info Ponorogo own history that is not separated by the presence of reog ponorogo. Reog ponorogo who became one of the national culture is having an associated history with the establishment of district ponorogo. You probably know bujangganong, klonosewandono, warok ponorogo, Barongan, jatil, and so is a man who also initiated the establishment of Ponorogo.

Batoro Katong was a pioneer of Roxburgh District, with the arrival area was once a wilderness that is built into residential areas. In the spirit of mutual cooperation and willingness to develop the area, the area continues to grow and eventually become a large area.

Ponorogo history is also not free from reog ponorogo. Starting from the King of the kingdom Bantarangin Klono Sewandono, which is the ruler in Ponorogo who wish to apply for Songgo langit of the sky from kediri. Then there is also derived from Singo lodro Blitar who want to apply and be happy Songgo langit of the sky. in the middle - in the way King Klonosewandono intercepted by Singolodro. Then came the war eventually won by King Klonosewandono. Having lost all Singolodro then taken by prabu Klonosewandono to Blitar. With paraded and dialuni singing - singing music of the gamelan and reog ponorogo beautiful women riders, Singolodro be a spectacle and offerings to the Songgolangit. Then without realizing there is a peacock perched on the head Singo lodro. So that the spectacle has become a very interesting entertainment for the surrounding community. Thus is created the Cultural Reog Ponorogo.

With a history that began Ponorogo hitherto ponorogo was then known by his Reyog. In Ponorogo there are several attractions that are also a tourist attraction in Ponorogo, such as for example Ngebel lake, waterfall Pletuk which have a height of approximately 60m, and so forth.

Today many developments in Ponorogo. Many infrastructure facilities have been addressed as well - supporting facilities such as hotels in Ponorogo. Hopefully in the future ponorogo continues to grow and become one of the district forward. Hopefully there will one of the richest men who came from ponorogo

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