Senin, 14 Mei 2012


Here will explain the latest info Ponorogo own history that is not separated by the presence of reog ponorogo. Reog ponorogo who became one of the national culture is having an associated history with the establishment of district ponorogo. You probably know bujangganong, klonosewandono, warok ponorogo, Barongan, jatil, and so is a man who also initiated the establishment of Ponorogo.

Batoro Katong was a pioneer of Roxburgh District, with the arrival area was once a wilderness that is built into residential areas. In the spirit of mutual cooperation and willingness to develop the area, the area continues to grow and eventually become a large area.

Ponorogo history is also not free from reog ponorogo. Starting from the King of the kingdom Bantarangin Klono Sewandono, which is the ruler in Ponorogo who wish to apply for Songgo langit of the sky from kediri. Then there is also derived from Singo lodro Blitar who want to apply and be happy Songgo langit of the sky. in the middle - in the way King Klonosewandono intercepted by Singolodro. Then came the war eventually won by King Klonosewandono. Having lost all Singolodro then taken by prabu Klonosewandono to Blitar. With paraded and dialuni singing - singing music of the gamelan and reog ponorogo beautiful women riders, Singolodro be a spectacle and offerings to the Songgolangit. Then without realizing there is a peacock perched on the head Singo lodro. So that the spectacle has become a very interesting entertainment for the surrounding community. Thus is created the Cultural Reog Ponorogo.

With a history that began Ponorogo hitherto ponorogo was then known by his Reyog. In Ponorogo there are several attractions that are also a tourist attraction in Ponorogo, such as for example Ngebel lake, waterfall Pletuk which have a height of approximately 60m, and so forth.

Today many developments in Ponorogo. Many infrastructure facilities have been addressed as well - supporting facilities such as hotels in Ponorogo. Hopefully in the future ponorogo continues to grow and become one of the district forward. Hopefully there will one of the richest men who came from ponorogo

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