Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Ramayana Ballet Theater

Watch Ramayana Ballet Theater opens at Tri Murti is one of my passions long dormant. Memories as a child watching a performance of the Ramayana as an impression in the memory of childhood to adulthood.

Ramayana known as Ramayana Ballet is a show that combines the art of drama and dance that elevates the story of Ramayana. This story is a beautiful legend carved on the walls of the temple of Shiva, one of the temple complex at Prambanan.
This ballet tells the story of Rama is trying to save his wife, Dewi Shinta who was abducted by Ravana, king of the country Alengka. Ramayana story that lasted 2 hours is summarized in the fourth round of play that includes kidnapping Shinta Dewi, mission Anoman (white monkey) to the land of Lanka, Ravana and Kumbhakarna death and reunion of Rama-Shinta.

Prambanan is a luxury setting, the luxury of the stage, the beauty of the dancers' costumes and choreography dances into a single unit that can anesthetize the audience to remain faithful to sit under the open sky and the cool night breeze. Ramayana appear every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday starting at 19.30wib to 21.30wib.

It was a work worthy of the nation to be appreciated. Nation of high culture art values ​​required to be preserved by every nation who loves his country.

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