Senin, 14 Mei 2012


Is rarely possible public hearing ludruk art today. In an era of modernization and globalization that are so rapidly at this time. ludruk art is as if losing its echo. Though the East Javanese art is quite famous and a star of his time.

Accompanied by gamelan music, doalog / monologue ludruk usually peppered with comedic aspects that make the audience laugh. By using language typical Surabaya, ludruk a favorite pastime as a popular story and readily accepted in all circles.

Beginning with the Tari Remo, staging ludruk also usually interspersed with the staging of a character who plays a hotshot Madura "Mr. Sakera". This art is usually performed from village to village. As many as 789 existing ludruk group in the 1980s. But over time, this number was on the wane.

Ludruk itself means comedian. It has been recognized by the people of East Java since 760 BC in the kingdom, led by Malan Kanyuruhan Gjayana king. Over time, ludruk also metamorphosed. Starting from village to village staging, ludruk into a theater at 1907.

Ludruk also has an important role during the era of independence. Popular among the public, at this time serves as a messenger ludruk preparation for independence. After independence, ludruk still used as a messenger of Indonesia's development.

Regardless of the function of history and culture. Ludruk has become an important icon for the people of East Java. Although eroded by globalization and modernization, ludruk remain at the heart of society. Not least also the art of East Java still perform this ludruk. to preserve the culture and history, arts workers are willing to sacrifice ludruk rest of his life to the preservation of national culture.

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